Many types of therapies are done to prevent and treat diseases. One such therapy is called ozone therapy. This therapy protects the body from many diseases, but can all people benefit from it? Let us know about this from the doctors.
Nowadays people are using ozone therapy as an alternative medicine. This therapy not only provides relief from pain but also provides relief from many diseases. In ozone therapy, ozone and oxygen are mixed and given to the person through injection. This therapy removes oxidative stress. It is considered helpful as an alternative medicine in the prevention of diseases like skin disease, high BP and diabetes.
Ozone therapy is given through injection. This therapy also activates glutathione in the body, due to which the skin also glows. But is it beneficial for everyone? Let us know. Regarding this, Dr. Manish Kumar, former dermatologist of RML Hospital, says that the number of people undergoing ozone therapy is very less. However, it also has many benefits. It increases white cells in the body and is beneficial in many types of lifestyle diseases. With this, diseases caused by viral, bacterial or fungal diseases can be controlled. However, it is not necessary that the diseases will be cured after undergoing therapy.
how does it work
In this therapy, ozone gas and oxygen reach the cells in the body. This increases the ability of cells to fight diseases. It also removes the toxins present inside the body and is also beneficial in lung diseases like asthma. However, ozone therapy is mostly used for pain relief and improving the skin. It is also used in patients suffering from back pain and joint pain. The special thing is that with the help of this therapy, oxygen reaches most of the tissues of the body.
Is it beneficial for everyone?
Dr. Manish says that ozone therapy does not suit every person. This therapy may also have side effects. In such a situation, if you have any disease then you should take this therapy only after consulting your doctor. Cancer and heart disease patients should also consult a doctor before undergoing this therapy.
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