Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of several development projects in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. He gave a gift of more than Rs 19000 crore to Bulandshahr. During this he addressed a huge public meeting. During this, he said that the path of the nation has to be further strengthened by Ram. During his address, PM Modi also remembered former UP Chief Minister Kalyan Singh. He said that by building Ram temple we have fulfilled the dream of Kalyan Singh and leaders like him.
PM Modi said that on January 22, Prabhuram was seen in Ayodhya and today Janata Janardan was seen. I am overwhelmed with your love. This region gave a son like Kalyan Singh, who gave his life to Ram Kaj and Rashtra Kaj. Today Kalyan Singh must be happy to see Ayodhya Dham. We have fulfilled Kalyan Singh's dream but there is still a lot more work to do.
Life prestige complete and now time for national prestige
PM Modi said that in Ayodhya, in the presence of Ram Lalla, I had said that the work of Pran Pratistha has been completed, now is the time to give new heights to the prestige of the nation. We have to further pave the path from God to the country and from Ram to the nation. Our aim is to make India a developed nation by 2047.
Developed India cannot be built without UP
Building a developed India is not possible without the rapid development of Uttar Pradesh. Today, I am very happy to be a part of the foundation stone laying and inauguration program of development works in Bulandshahr. First UP will have to be made stronger. The state will get strength from Jewar Airport. Many big cities of UP are being connected by metro. Earlier governments did not pay any attention to UP.
Previous governments did not pay any attention to UP
The Prime Minister said that earlier those who ran the government here for a long time behaved like rulers. The way of keeping the people in poverty and dividing the society was the easiest means for them to gain power. Many generations of Uttar Pradesh have borne the cost of this. But at the same time the country has also suffered a huge loss.
Life of poor and farmers should be easy
PM Modi said that today India's first Namo Bharat project has started in Western UP. Many cities of UP are being connected with metro facility. Due to the efforts of the government, today Western UP is becoming one of the major employment generating centres. He said that the double engine is a continuous effort of the government to make the life of the poor and farmers easier. I will congratulate Yogi ji's government that he has increased the price of sugarcane further.
Farmer's welfare is the top priority of our government
PM Modi said that the welfare of farmers is the top priority of our government. Today a bag of urea is available for less than Rs 300, which is much cheaper than the world. Our effort is to connect farming with modern technology. We have started NaMo Drone Didi Scheme. Women are being given drones and its training. No government has done as much work as we did for the farmers.
We are fortunate to have a leader like Modi as PM - Yogi
Before PM Modi's address, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that this is the PM's first visit after the consecration of life and the inauguration of the grand temple in Ayodhya after a wait of 500 years. Today, UP is the fastest developing state in the country, which is happening due to the blessings, guidance and leadership of the PM. We are fortunate to have a leader like Modi as PM.
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