What effect does eating very hot food have on the body in winter? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, January 4, 2024

What effect does eating very hot food have on the body in winter?

In the winter season, people consume hot foods to avoid cold and keep their body warm. But every person's body is different. In such a situation, hot food does not suit some people. So let us know what problems people may have to face on their body due to eating too hot foods.

According to every season, people change their lifestyle, clothes and eating habits. In such a situation, to protect our body from cold in the winter season, we all wear warm clothes and consume warm things. In this season, sesame laddus, millet, peanuts and many hot spicy items are eaten. So that their body gets warmth and can protect themselves from the harsh cold.

But have you ever wondered what effect consuming such hot food has on your body in this season? So let's find out from your doctor

hot food

Dr. Bharat Bhushan of Ayurveda in Delhi says that eating hot food in winter does not cause much harm, but people who are allergic to hot things should consume hot food in this season as per the doctor's advice. Only this should be done. Because eating too hot food can cause these health problems.


Hot food does not suit the body of many people. Due to hot food, they start having problems like itching, swelling and rashes. In such a situation, if such symptoms are visible in your body due to eating too hot food, then you should not ignore it.

burning sensation in urine

Along with this, if you are eating too hot foods to keep your body warm, then you may have to face problems like burning sensation in urine. Due to which you may get infection and many other problems.

In such a situation, if you are facing any kind of problem due to consuming hot foods, then you should immediately consult an expert about it.

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