62 year old man was buried alive for 4 days, sounds of rescue were coming from the grave, watch video - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, May 20, 2024

62 year old man was buried alive for 4 days, sounds of rescue were coming from the grave, watch video


Moldova:  How someone can remain buried alive inside a grave for four days is astonishing. A similar incident has come to light from the Eastern European Republic of Moldova. A 62-year-old man remained buried alive in a grave for four days. When the police reached there for investigation, muffled screams of the old man were heard from the grave, hearing which everyone was shocked. The old man was taken out of the grave. The accused who buried the old man alive has also been arrested.

Muffled sounds were coming from the grave

According to reports, such an incident came to light during the investigation into the death of a 74-year-old woman. An elderly couple lived in their house in Ustia, northwest Moldova. An 18-year-old relative also lived with them. Police said that on Monday, May 13, information about the murder of the woman was received. When the police arrived after receiving the information, the woman's body was found lying on the floor of the house. There were wound marks on his body. It seemed that the woman had tried her best to save herself. Neighbors told that her husband also lived with the woman and he has been missing for many days. On this the officers started searching. They heard sounds of groaning and cries for help underground near the house. After the excavation, a 62-year-old man was taken out from a temporary grave. There were wound marks on his neck and face.

Woman murdered after burying man

The old man who came out of the grave told that he and the accused relative were drinking alcohol together on Saturday. Then when she started sleeping there, the young man allegedly attacked her with a knife and then locked her in a temporary basement. Buried him alive. Officials believe that the accused murdered the elderly woman the next day or on Sunday night or early Monday morning. Police have arrested the accused.

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