These days, a video of Veeru aka Dharmendra, who rules people's hearts with his funny and cool style, is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Actually, voting is being held in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024 on Monday. In such a situation, film stars are seen participating enthusiastically in the voting taking place in Maharashtra. On Monday, activity of stars was visible in the entire polling station. Meanwhile, veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra was seen turning red with anger over a question from the paparazzi. This video of Veeru's anger is becoming increasingly viral on social media.
Veeru was angry with the paparazzi
Dharmendra had gone to the polling booth in Mumbai in a very cool style to cast his vote. When he returned after voting, his mood seemed to deteriorate due to the paparazzi's strange question. After which he got angry and even gave advice to the person asking the question. People are extremely surprised to see Veeru's anger and have raised many questions on the caption of the video going viral.
Dharmendra gave advice
It can be seen in the video that Dharmendra is seen getting angry at a cameraperson on a question related to voting. While answering the question, Dharmendra is giving advice to the person by saying, 'Friend, become a good city, become a rich child, love your parents, you know what you want me to say.'
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