Leave expensive oil and shampoo… make hair growth tonic at home for long hair - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Leave expensive oil and shampoo… make hair growth tonic at home for long hair

For long, thick and silky hair, girls try many types of remedies and also buy expensive hair products. At present, hair growth tonic can be prepared at home.

Most girls want long, thick hair. However, many times there are many reasons like pollution, strong sunlight, due to which the hair becomes weak and starts breaking, which affects the hair volume as well as its growth. To get rid of hair problems, people apply many types of oil, shampoo and many other products on their hair. However, instead of this, natural things can have a better effect on your hair.

If you are troubled with problems like increasing hair growth and volume and hair fall etc. and are tired of using various oils, shampoos etc. to get rid of this, then hair tonic can be prepared at home with the help of some ingredients, which will increase hair growth and also bring volume.

What are the ingredients needed to make hair tonic?

To make hair growth tonic, take two tablespoons of cloves (used in puja masala), two small pieces of ginger, a handful of rosemary leaves, and a glass of water.

Make hair growth tonic in this way

First of all, put the water in a pan to heat. Put rosemary leaves in it and let it boil for two to three minutes. Meanwhile, grind ginger and cloves and then add them to it. Boil all three things well till the water turns red. This way your hair tonic will be ready. Filter it and fill it in a spray bottle and store it.

Apply this hair tonic in this way

This hair tonic can be applied two hours before hair wash, apart from this you can spray this hair tonic on the scalp in between the week. Actually no oil has been used in this, hence applying it will not make the hair sticky.

What benefits will you get?

Rosemary tonic will not only help in preventing hair fall and improving hair growth, but it will also reduce dandruff on the scalp, because all three ingredients present in the tonic have anti-fungal properties. Since this hair tonic does not contain any chemicals, it is difficult to have any side effects, but if you are allergic to any ingredient or have taken any kind of hair treatment, then definitely consult an expert first.

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