Russian bombers enter Sweden… NATO countries on high alert - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Russian bombers enter Sweden… NATO countries on high alert

The incident happened three months after Sweden became a NATO member. The Swedish Armed Forces said, "On Friday afternoon, a Russian SU-24 jet fighter violated Swedish airspace east of the southern tip of Gotland. The last time Russia violated Swedish airspace was in March 2022.

The tension between NATO and Russia is not subsiding. On Friday afternoon, Russian bomber fighter planes entered Sweden's airspace. The Russian SU-24 bomber violated Swedish airspace near the strategic island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The Swedish Air War Command first verbally warned the Russian plane, but the plane did not move from its route. After which it was removed from Swedish airspace with the help of two Swedish JAS-39 Gripen fighter planes.

This violation of Swedish airspace comes just three months after Sweden became a full member of NATO, a historic decision taken after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. At the same time, after this action of Russia, other NATO countries have also gone on high alert.

first warning given

The Swedish Armed Forces said, "On Friday afternoon, a Russian Su-24 jet fighter violated Swedish airspace east of the southern tip of Gotland. The Swedish Air Combat Command verbally warned the Russian aircraft." Gotland is located less than 350 kilometers from Russian Kaliningrad. Sweden's military doctrine holds that control over Gotland enables it to control air and naval activities in the Baltic Sea.

has violated before

Jonas Wikman, the head of Sweden's air force, said, "Russia's actions are not acceptable and show a lack of respect for our territorial integrity." Sweden made the historic decision to join the NATO military alliance after Moscow's attack on Ukraine in 2022. The last time Russia violated Swedish airspace was in March 2022, when Swedish fighter jets intercepted two Su-24 and two Su-27 fighter jets over Gotland.

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