Water birth is safe for both mother and baby, study claims - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Water birth is safe for both mother and baby, study claims

Nowadays, a mother has many options to give birth to a child, including normal delivery, cesarean and water birth. Recently, a study has come out regarding the process of water birth in which this process has been considered safe for both mother and child.

Many changes come in a woman's life but the feeling of becoming a mother is very beautiful for her. At this time she may have to go through many problems but all the mother's sorrows go away as soon as she sees her child. In today's time, many options are available for the delivery of a child.

Sometimes the situation becomes such that one has to choose the option of operation. But apart from normal and cesarean section, you must have also heard the name of water birth delivery. Its videos can also be seen on social media.

What is wort birth?

This process is also similar to normal delivery. In this, delivery is done by making the mother sit in a tub of lukewarm water during labor pain. This process of giving birth to the child is called water birth.

But people have many questions about this process such as whether water birth is good for the mother and the child or not? There is no complication due to this, perhaps that is why very few people know about the water birth delivery process today. But recently a research has claimed that this water birth delivery is safe for both the mother and the child.

New research has confirmed that giving birth to a child in water is as safe as giving birth in the normal way. This research has been published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

In the case of uncomplicated delivery, giving birth in water is as safe as breaking the water before it happens. This study was published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Researchers looked at the experiences of more than 87,000 women with uncomplicated delivery who chose water birth during labour for comfort and pain relief. The study was conducted to find out whether being in water to give birth is as safe for mothers and their babies as being out of the water before birth.

no danger in the water

The team also looked at the rate of women experiencing severe pain during childbirth, as well as the number of babies who needed antibiotics or breathing assistance after birth. According to the researchers, “Babies born in water were not at increased risk compared to babies born outside of water.

The team was led by Julia Sanders, professor of clinical midwifery at Cardiff University, who said around 60,000 women in the UK each year use birth pools or baths to relieve pain during labour but some midwives and doctors had concerns about the process of using birth pools and feared it may carry greater risks.

There have been reports that babies can become seriously ill or die after a water birth, and the mother can experience severe pain or heavy bleeding. We want to establish whether water births, with NHS midwives, are as safe for mothers with a low risk of complications and for their babies as births outside of water.

The POOL study, led by Cardiff University's School of Health Care Sciences and the Centre for Trials Research, studied NHS records of 87,040 women across 26 NHS organisations in England and Wales who used pools in labour between 2015 and 2022. The researchers looked at the rate of severe pain experienced by women, the rate of babies needing antibiotics or breathing support on the neonatal unit, as well as the rate of babies who died.

The analysis found that one in 20 first-time mothers experienced severe pain, while only one in 100 mothers giving birth to a second, third or fourth child experienced severe pain. Three in every 100 newborns required antibiotics or breathing assistance, while deaths were rare, with seven recorded in the water birth group compared to six among those who gave birth outside the water. The rate of caesarean sections was also less than 6 per cent for first-time mothers and less than 1 per cent for mothers giving birth to a second, third or fourth child.

Professor Chris Gale, consultant neonatologist at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust in London, said: “Many paediatricians and neonatologists are concerned that water births may pose a greater risk to babies, but this study found strong evidence that for women who do not have complicated pregnancies, it may be riskier. This is not the case.”

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