Everything from keeping dogs to swearing is banned in these 5 countries, if you do this, you will have to go to jail - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Everything from keeping dogs to swearing is banned in these 5 countries, if you do this, you will have to go to jail


5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law: There are many laws here which are applicable everywhere, like there are some rules for theft, robbery etc. which are common and punishment is given for them. But in some countries there are laws which sound strange, and these laws were made for any reason. These laws may seem absurd if you think about it in today's time. Similarly, these strange laws are not implemented, they are still present in the law today.

After knowing these you might be saying, what is the rule that sends you straight to jail, but this is true. Not only this, there are many more such rules in many countries which will blow your mind. So let us know about such strange laws of the world today (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law).

1. UAE :

People come from far and wide to visit the world's most famous country, the United Arab Emirates. People make a lot of plans to enjoy this place. But they are not aware of the laws here (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law). But if you swear on every small thing, then you may get into trouble here. If you are caught swearing here, then you may have to go to jail here.

2. Spain:

Girls are very fond of traveling. They are also very fond of clothes. They wear bikinis to go to the beach and enjoy it. However, in Barcelona, ​​Spain, you can be punished for wearing a bikini. Actually, you can wear a bikini on the beach in Barcelona, ​​but if you wear a bikini in the city, you may have to face the police (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law).

3. Italy:

People come from every corner of the world to visit Italy, the most beautiful country in the world. But Turin, a city in Italy, has strange laws (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law). If you are going there, be a little careful. The law in Turin, Italy, is that if you have a pet dog, you must walk it three times a day. If you do not walk it three times a day, you can be punished for this.

4. Switzerland:

Switzerland is known for its beautiful mountains and climate. People come here in large numbers every year to visit. But here also a strange law has been made (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law). Actually the law here is that if you flush the washroom then action can be taken against you. Actually if you flush after 10 pm and your neighbor faces problem due to this then he can complain against you to the police.

5.North Korea 

North Korea is already famous for its dictatorship. Only Kim Jong rules in this country. And he makes the laws of this country (5 Countries Have Kindoweird Law). A strange law has been made there too. If you are having a meeting with Kim Jong and you yawn, you can even get a death sentence. So if you are going to North Korea, you will have to control your yawning.

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